Reflections on Mommyhood

Judyknit Home Page


The Presence
Time Bomb
Wolf, Wolf
Rough Passage
The Newborn
Garage Sales and Baby
Mom's Conflict
Another Battle
The Transformation
My Child
Vacation with Baby
Busy Baby
The Battle
At Thirteen and Fourteen Months
Books and Puzzles
Christmas 1984
Lookie, Mommy
Toddler Words
A is for Ark
Me, Daniel
Three Little Words
Mommy, It Hurts
Tired Again
Two Little Boys
A Father's Pride
Number Two Son
Oh, God
Too Soon

Books and Puzzles


Books and puzzles, what a treat!
Let me play until I eat.

This wood puzzle, pieces six
When apart, I love to fix.

Put the pieces all in place,
Do it fast like it's a race.

Other times just let me look
At a pretty picture book.

Vinyl, cloth, and cardboard too.
Read me this one, mom, will you?

Look at pictures, turn the page.
See the monkeys in the cage?

Point to doggies, see the ball.
Another book? I've read them all!

Precious child so full of fun
Savor minutes, every one.

Days right now that will not last-
Soon they're memories of the past.

Smile with pleasure, play some more,
Someday he'll be out the door.
Copyright © 1988 by Judith E. Garling

Permission is granted for you to copy these poems for yourself or to share with others as long as the poems are not changed, you include the copyright notice, and no fee is charged. If you would like to post a poem on your website, please obtain permission; send me an email.