

Once upon a time there lived a family with four children. There was Papa Fair, whose real name was Iwannagotothe Fair, and Momma Fair, whose name was Wegottabe Fair.

         The oldest child was named County. Then came Bus, Itznot, and finally the baby, Exact.

         Momma and Papa Fair loved their children and were good parents. Life was calm until one day after Itznot had learned to talk and tell time.

         County and Bus were allowed to stay up until 8:30. But Itznot had to go to bed at 7:30.

         “It’s not fair!” he yelled.

         Momma and Papa Fair talked it over. “Maybe we should have all bedtimes be the same. Then it would be equal. Then it would be fair. We don’t want our children to think we’re not fair,” Papa said. “After all, that’s our name!”

         “We shall have bedtime at 8:30. It is equal. It is fair,” Papa said.

         Bedtime for all became 8:30. County and Bus were happy, but Itznot did not get enough sleep and was grumpy all the next day.

         Exact cried. She didn’t like bedtime.

         Momma and Papa Fair talked it over again. “It isn’t working. Itznot is always grumpy. Maybe we should have all bedtimes be 7:30. It would be equal. It would be fair. We don’t want our children to think we’re not fair,” Papa said. “After all, that’s our name!”

         Bedtime for all became 7:30.

         County cried, “Why do I have to go to bed with the babies? It’s not fair!”

         Bus yelled, “I’m not tired! It’s not fair!”

         Itznot just grinned. Exact cried.         

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