Lord, I Need You, Too

Time's Gift 

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The life we have both here and now
Began before our birth,
With DNA from mom and dad,
Unique upon this earth.

Conception by the hand of God,
Knit within the womb,
The plans of God encompasses
Our life until the tomb.

Our last day here upon the earth,
The time and date, you see,
Were written down in heaven
‘Fore we ever came to be.

For life, with finite numbers
Of minutes, hours, and days
We must seek to follow Christ
And grow in all his ways.

For time's a gift from God above
So use all for His glory,
Becoming more like Christ our Lord
Should be our ending story.

How then should we spend our time,
What should be our goal?
To have it easy here on earth
Or building up our soul?

Time is an investment where
You send it on ahead.
What's done for God is lasting
What's done for self is dead.

The time we waste can't be regained.
It's over, done, and past.
Only what's done for Christ endures
All else will be trashed.

You've heard it said that time is money,
In business that is true.
More importantly, time is love,
Nothing else will do.

Time that's spent with those who weep
And those who are in need,
Those who need encouragement,
And those we need to feed,

Those who need to be encircled
By our loving arms
And those who need protected
From all the earthly harms.

Those we teach and those we tell
Of God's eternal plan,
Of Christ who died and rose again
To save the soul of man.

The time we spend in such pursuits
Is time we won't regret.
But time spent striving after wind
We'll soon want to forget.

What's the best use of our time?
Eternally, I mean.
What will last and what will fade
When everything is seen?

Who are we investing in,
Eternity in view?
What are the relationships
That I must pursue?

Let us focus on the things
That God wants us to do.
And not forget God's promise
That He'll provide for you.

Don't let fear of future times
Keep you feeling stressed,
Or keep you from being the one
By whom others are blessed.

Invest your time in those who need
You most along the way.
Don't regret the time not spent
On those you love today.

Time's a gift, so use it well
So regrets there are none.
And may we hear from Jesus Christ,
"Faithful servant, well done."

 Copyright © 2024 by Judith E. Garling

Permission is granted for you to copy these poems for yourself or to share with others as long as the poems are not changed, you include the copyright notice, and no fee is charged. If you would like to post a poem on your website, please obtain permission; send me an email.